🇬🇧 Hiisi Homes Turku Herttuankulma | Arrival

Hiisi Help

🇬🇧 Hiisi Homes Turku Herttuankulma | Arrival

Hiisi Homes Turku Herttuankulma | Fatabuurinkatu 5 A, 20200 Turku


Keys and access: 🇬🇧 Hiisi Homes Turku Herttuankulma | Keys
Parking: 🇬🇧 Hiisi Homes Turku Herttuankulma | Parking
Waste & recycling: 🇬🇧 Hiisi Homes Turku Herttuankulma | Waste & Recycling
Elevator: Yes
WIFI: name HiisiHomes password painuhiiteen
Please note the network name may feature a number after HiisiHomes. Choose the strongest network despite the number.

Arrival info & codes


  • A-entrance is located on the Fatabuurinkatu street side of the building

  • Please note the building may not be entered with a code from the inner yard, only with key

Fatabuurinkatu 5 A is at the end of the Fatabuurinkatu street
Entrance 5 A feature LivionKey pinpad on the left hand side of the door where one may enter the main entrance code

Property map:


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