Hiisi Help
🇬🇧 Hiisi Homes Porvoo Toukovuori | Arrival
Hiisi Homes Porvoo Toukovuori | Rajakallionrinne 4, 06150 Porvoo
Keys and access: 🇬🇧 Hiisi Homes Porvoo Toukovuori | Arrival
Waste & recycling: 🇬🇧 Hiisi Homes Porvoo Toukovuori | Waste & Recycling
Elevator: Yes
WIFI: name HiisiHomes password painuhiiteen
Please note the network name may feature a number after HiisiHomes. Choose the strongest network despite the number.ATTENTION: Google Maps gives wrong directions to the location. Please do not turn to Pihlajatie but instead continue driving Tarkkisentie street until there is Toukovuori sign to the left to Uljaksentie street. From this direction you are able to easily access Rajakallionrinne 4 address.
A building
Building A
Arrival Info & Codes
Arrival time: 🇬🇧 What time can I arrive?
Arrival at the latest: no time limit | 🇬🇧 When Do I Have to Leave?
Arrival information: 🇬🇧 When and How will the Arrival Information be Delivered?
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