Hiisi Help
🇬🇧 Hiisi Hotel Helsinki Jätkäsaari | Accessibility
Hiisi Hotel Helsinki Jätkäsaari | Länsisatamankatu 16, 00180 Helsinki
Parking: Parking garage. There is an elevator + ramp from the hotel to the parking garage.
Courtyard: You can park in front of the door with your car for 2 hours between 8 AM and 8 PM.
Elevator: Yes, with automatic doors.
Elevator Door Width: 0.9 meters
Elevator Length: 2 meters
Elevator Width: 1 meter
No braille.
From the elevator, looking towards the door to the common areas on the 5th floor.
Main entrance door: No steps to the door. Multiple doors to open: one from the outside to the lobby, another to access the staircase and the elevator, on the 5th floor, another door to enter, and then the door to the room.
Door widths: 1 meter
Salto lock on the exterior door at a height of 1.5 meters.
The exterior door has a gray Salto code reader.
The door codes are at a height of 1.2 meters.
There are no braille signs on the doors or in the room numbers.
5th floor door to access the guest area
On the right, there is a resident kitchen, and on the left, there is a resident toilet.
Guests spaces
Dining/Living Area
Counters: at a height of 0.9 meters. There are microwaves on the countertop.
Doors: 0.8 meters + 0.2 calf to widenth the door
There is a threshold of 2-3 cm into the dining area.
Guest kitchen
Door: 0.8 meters
Counters: at a height of 0.9 meters
Microwave: at a height of 1.6 meters
Cabinets: at a height of 1.5 meters
The resident kitchen is a narrowing room with a width ranging from 0.7 to 0.9 meters.
Guest toilet
The toilet has handrails around the toilet bowl.
There is a handle on the door.
The sink is adjustable downwards.
The space is spacious.
Resident Laundry Room
Door: 0.8 meters. The door is heavy and does not stay open on its own.
Door threshold: 3-4 cm.
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