🇬🇧 Hiisi Hotel Helsinki Jätkäsaari | Accessibility

Hiisi Help

🇬🇧 Hiisi Hotel Helsinki Jätkäsaari | Accessibility

Hiisi Hotel Helsinki Jätkäsaari | Länsisatamankatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


Parking: Parking garage. There is an elevator + ramp from the hotel to the parking garage.

Courtyard: You can park in front of the door with your car for 2 hours between 8 AM and 8 PM.

Elevator: Yes, with automatic doors.

  • Elevator Door Width: 0.9 meters

  • Elevator Length: 2 meters

  • Elevator Width: 1 meter

  • No braille.


From the elevator, looking towards the door to the common areas on the 5th floor.

Main entrance door: No steps to the door. Multiple doors to open: one from the outside to the lobby, another to access the staircase and the elevator, on the 5th floor, another door to enter, and then the door to the room.

  • Door widths: 1 meter

  • Salto lock on the exterior door at a height of 1.5 meters.


The exterior door has a gray Salto code reader.

  • The door codes are at a height of 1.2 meters.

  • There are no braille signs on the doors or in the room numbers.

5th floor door to access the guest area

On the right, there is a resident kitchen, and on the left, there is a resident toilet.

Guests spaces

Dining/Living Area

  • Counters: at a height of 0.9 meters. There are microwaves on the countertop.

  • Doors: 0.8 meters + 0.2 calf to widenth the door

  • There is a threshold of 2-3 cm into the dining area.



Guest kitchen

  • Door: 0.8 meters

  • Counters: at a height of 0.9 meters

  • Microwave: at a height of 1.6 meters

  • Cabinets: at a height of 1.5 meters

  • The resident kitchen is a narrowing room with a width ranging from 0.7 to 0.9 meters.

Guest toilet

  • The toilet has handrails around the toilet bowl.

  • There is a handle on the door.

  • The sink is adjustable downwards.

  • The space is spacious.



Resident Laundry Room

  • Door: 0.8 meters. The door is heavy and does not stay open on its own.

  • Door threshold: 3-4 cm.

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