🇬🇧 Hiisi Homes Riihimäki Pesispolku 1 | Waste & Recycling

Hiisi Help

🇬🇧 Hiisi Homes Riihimäki Pesispolku 1 | Waste & Recycling

Hiisi Homes Riihimäki | Pesispolku 1, 11130 Riihimäki

🇬🇧 What to do with Waste?

Location: Sorting station is located outside at the other end of the building.

Access: no key needed.

Sorting Station Next to the Property Building


  • Sekajäte = mixed waste

  • Muovi = plastic

  • Paperi = paper

  • Lasi = Glass

  • Bio = Bio waste, food leftovers etc organic waste

The home has two sorting bins: organic waste and mixed waste. You will have a roll of plastic bags at your disposal, as well as one separate bag for organic waste. We encourage you to also sort plastic, cardboard, metal, and glass, even if there are no separate sorting bins reserved for these in your apartment

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