Hiisi Homes Nokia | Nansonkatu 9, 37100 Nokia
Keys and access: 🇫🇮 Hiisi Homes Nokia | Avaimet
Parking: 🇫🇮 Hiisi Homes Nokia | Pysäköinti
Waste and recycling: 🇫🇮 Hiisi Homes Nokia | Jätehuolto & kierrätys
Elevator: yes
WIFI: name HiisiHomes password painuhiiteen
You can access building A through the middle of the building from the parking area side.
Arrival info & codes
Arrival time: 🇬🇧 What time can I arrive?
Arrival at the latest: no time limit | 🇬🇧 When do I have to leave?
Arrival information: 🇬🇧 When and how will the arrival information be delivered?