On this page, you can find the amenities of the Hiisi starter pack, which can be found in every temporary home in Hiisi when you arrive. In the case of mid to long-term housing, it is the resident's responsibility to fulfill the items that belong to Hiisi starter pack at their own expense, like at home, and linen and towel change can be ordered from Hiisi hosts for an additional fee. If you wish, you can order a supplement to the entire starter pack for an additional fee.
Hiisi starter pack
bed linen, hand and bath towels for the number of people booked
toilet paper
2-in-1 hand and shower soap
dishwashing detergent and a dish brush
baking paper
garbage bags
dish cloth
general cleaning spray
Read more:
🇬🇧 What does Does the Rent for of a Temporary Home include?
🇬🇧 What are the Temporary Home Amenities?